The client had previously run an SEO (search engine optimization), SEM (search engine marketing), and branding ad campaigns that drove a high amount of traffic. But Google Analytics revealed that their on-page engagement was very low and users were bouncing off the page almost instantly.  In addition to correcting this issue, the client was also interested in doing very targeted ads for an overall company-wide campaign, and to promote their individual communities.


  • Establishment as a thought leader in the real estate industry and as a home builder
  • Remaining competitive with other local home builders, as well as national homebuilders
  • Improving Google Analytics engagement numbers
  • Increasing the number of raw clicks to site, and increasing CTRs (click-through rate) to meet or exceed industry benchmarks, when available


  • SEO and SEM for continued strong results.
  • Content marketing to establish thought leadership.
  • Social media targeting specific audiences with messaging for individual communities, and a content calendar were streamlined and optimized to deliver strong results on a limited budget.
  • Consistent branding message for RRM (responsive rich media)
  • Using the client’s Google Analytics data we implemented a creative approach to targeting which increased the CTR (click-through rate) to above the standard benchmark for RRM.


  • Audience Targeting (RRM) – increased performance by 50%.
  • Increased site traffic from paid Facebook ads by 53%, and improved performance by over 100%.
  • Bounce rates lowered from 95% to 53.46% – an increase in on page engagement by 100%.
  • Increased total visits to their website by 86%, and organic visits by 24%.


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